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Gospel: Matt 6:1-6, 16-18

Ash Wednesday is about refocusing and realigning ourselves in relationship to God and one another. We must encounter our sinfulness and frailty not with shame and blame but with honesty and truth, trusting that God receives our confession. Today our readings remind us to repent and acknowledge our wrongdoings.  We reflect today to remember our sinfulness and ask God for his mercy and forgiveness. During Lent we practice the 3 pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  We repent and ask God for forgiveness. We receive the Ashes as a visible sign of life that is fleeting and that we should humble our hearts. As we reflect on the season of Lent and the readings we will hear today we ask God to humble our hearts and allow us to follow Christ on the Way of the Cross.

-Mary Ridler, Theology Department
Gospel: Luke 9:22-25

From today’s gospel reading: "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” (Luke 9:23-24) 

What is the cross I am being called to take up this lenten season? 

Gospel: Matthew 9:14-15

From today’s first reading: “This, rather, is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall quickly be healed; Your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. (Isaiah 58:6-8) 

What is one thing I will do to help someone in need this Lenten season? 

Gospel: Luke 5:27-32

From today’s gospel reading: “Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the customs post.
He said to him, "Follow me." And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him.” (Luke 5:27-28). 

What am I being called to give up so I can more fully follow Jesus? 

Gospel: Luke 4:1-13

In today’s gospel, after spending 40 days fasting and praying, Jesus was hungry. The devil used Jesus’ hunger to tempt Jesus away from his mission to spread the good news of God’s kingdom. Jesus responds to the temptations of the devil using Scripture and the confidence that he is following the will of the Father. After Jesus turned every temptation, the devil departed him for a time, but not forever. We often also face temptations in our life, in a variety of areas. Maybe it’s to just stand by and watch while a classmate is teased or harassed, or to gossip about something someone said, or post unkind things online. Resisting temptation can be difficult, especially when it happens over and over. Spending time in prayer, being around people who uplift and help us, can help us resist this temptation. During this Lenten season, let us make an effort to resist those temptations that do not recognize the dignity of others and choose actions that build up and help each other. 

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